The 2024 Artisans Studio Tour was a roaring success. I have been absent from the tour for a couple of years for a variety of reasons, mostly fun reasons. It was good to be back talking with people who enjoy high quality craftsmanship. I was grateful for Suzanne Crane for hosting me in her studio space at Mud Dauber Pottery in Earlysville. Becky Garrity was also there with her lovely pottery, and the three of us enjoyed seeing all the folks who came through. Saturday was busy with only a couple of times when the studio wasn’t full. Sunday was a bit slower so we got to breathe a bit. I sold most of my work but what is left, you can find on my Current Work page.
Now it’s time to head back to the studio and make more stuff! I’ll be weaving scarves and also prepping for my teaching that is coming up in 2025. I’ll write more about that in another post. In the meantime, here are a few of my scarves and shawls that were available during the weekend.