
Laurie Duxbury


6 Responses to Contact

  1. Lorelei bourque

    The gemstone jeweler in Harrisonburg, VA, is Stuart Mercer. His store is called Elk Run Mining Co.

  2. Dianne Bolton

    Whidbey Weavers Guild are interested in the Masters of Overshot workshop

  3. Dan Hunt

    Hi Laurie – saw some of your recent work during the studio tour. I’m interested in purchasing an “Autumn Purple Scarf” – shown in current work – for a Christmas gift. Would you please get back to me and let me know if that’s doable? Thanks

  4. Paula Lasseur

    HI Laurie, I enrolled in your class at MAFA this year. Renting a loom to from RedStoneGlen and they are asking about the width of loom and reed dent needed for the class. Would you be able to let me know so I can get that info to them.. Thanks and i can’t wait for this class!

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