Hi Laurie – saw some of your recent work during the studio tour. I’m interested in purchasing an “Autumn Purple Scarf” – shown in current work – for a Christmas gift. Would you please get back to me and let me know if that’s doable? Thanks
HI Laurie, I enrolled in your class at MAFA this year. Renting a loom to from RedStoneGlen and they are asking about the width of loom and reed dent needed for the class. Would you be able to let me know so I can get that info to them.. Thanks and i can’t wait for this class!
The gemstone jeweler in Harrisonburg, VA, is Stuart Mercer. His store is called Elk Run Mining Co. http://www.elkrungems.com
Thanks for the info. I see a field trip for my hubby and me.
Whidbey Weavers Guild are interested in the Masters of Overshot workshop
Hi Laurie – saw some of your recent work during the studio tour. I’m interested in purchasing an “Autumn Purple Scarf” – shown in current work – for a Christmas gift. Would you please get back to me and let me know if that’s doable? Thanks
Thanks so much for contacting me, Dan. I sent you an email.
HI Laurie, I enrolled in your class at MAFA this year. Renting a loom to from RedStoneGlen and they are asking about the width of loom and reed dent needed for the class. Would you be able to let me know so I can get that info to them.. Thanks and i can’t wait for this class!