I’m happy that I will be teaching at a few venues in the upcoming months. The first will be the MAFA Virtual Mini-Conference on July 8 and 9, 2023. I will teach Profile Drafts For Dummies 9:30-10 a.m. on Saturday, and Meet Summer and Winter 9:30-10 a.m. on Sunday. Both classes will be online lectures with no preparation necessary. They are for weavers of all levels. The classes will be recorded and the recordings available to enrolled students on the LessonFace platform for thirty days after the talks. In addition to all of the class offerings Dawn Hoeg of Stitch Buffalo, and Jane Dunnewold will give talks on Saturday and Sunday at lunchtime. There will also be a Yoga for Crafters session and Fiber Trivia session on Saturday evening, as well as a Sunday Show and Tell. This promises to be a fun learning and socialization time, especially for those who can’t travel to the in-person MAFA conference in June.
For those not familiar, MAFA is the Mid-Atlantic Fiber Association. It had been around to support fiber guilds in the Mid-Atlantic area for decades. The association puts on a fiber conference every two years on odd-numbered years. Those who are members of guilds that belong to MAFA are automatically members of MAFA.
I will also be teaching at the in-person MAFA Conference in June and at NEWS in July. I’ll have more on those conferences in another post. In the meantime, I’ll leave photos of the weaving that my students or I have done in Summer and Winter weave structure.